
A few reminders for the term ahead:

COVID - 19

Now that we are approaching flu season, we all need to be even more vigilant and mindful of the following symptoms:

If your child is displaying any of the above we strongly encourage you to contact your local GP for advice regarding COVIS-19 testing. Please inform the school on 9301 5800 if your child or close contacts have a suspected case of COVID-19 and self isolate until clear.

Religion and Values

The Community Engagement Team organises regular family hikes encouraging our parents and students to stay active and have a great time outdoors with the family and the community. We were lucky to have been able to organise a fun but challenging hike during term 1 before the COVID19 restrictions kicked in, making the most of the scenic and serene King Lake. Seven families joined the hike with their children, walking the 12km track with dedication while engaging in delightful conversations. The hike ended with a short and sweet picnic as everyone munched on their snacks and reflected on the beauty of the area as well as the rewarding nature of the walk.


Foundation B students were very happy to see each other. They enjoyed their first day back at school after a very long break with fun activities such as data collection with Lego blocks, play dough writing and alphabet bingo.

Foundation B

Grade 1

Year 1B’s Super Term 2

Term Two has certainly proven to be one to remember for our glorious 1B students. They have been extremely busy learning some of the most difficult concepts of year 1 in a variety of different means. All our class definitely should be congratulated for their hard work and effort during this unusual term.

During remote learning, we focused on trying our best to tune in to our online zoom sessions. We even had the chance to adapt to using MyEd Online to complete our tasks sent by our teachers.

For Literacy, we have been exploring Explanation Texts with Ms Zeynep. We started our writing journey by understanding the purpose of this style of writing and the structure it entailed. There were many writing pieces we practiced our skills in. Some of these included ‘How to play soccer’ and ‘The lifecycle of a butterfly’.

In Maths sessions, we have explored various concepts including partitioning, prepositions and measurement. We had a lot of fun with the entertaining games Ms Esra prepared for us.

Thank you to all 1B students, parents and teachers for an incredible term thus far.

Best regards,
Ms Zeynep, Ms Esra and Class 1B